Sunday, 1 May 2011

Accident Statistics in Industries (Courtesy : H.S.E Website)

Accident Statistics

 A large number of accidents are happening die to the lack of proper health and safety in the industries over the year. We have made a research on health & safety executive website and found out the statistics of accidents happened in the year 2009/2010. Alarmingly the list of people injured or died is very long. This states that health & safety rules and regulations may not be followed in those workplaces or the employees are unaware of the health & safety at work practices. A summary of those statistics are given below.

# According to statistics, about 1.3 million people were suffering from an illness that they believe was caused or made worse by their current or past work. 
# 2249 people died from mesothelioma which is an occupational disease and thousands more from other types of occupational cancers and diseases.
# 152 workers were killed at work, a rate of 0.5 fatalities per 100000 workers.
# 121430 other injuries to employees were reported under RIDDOR (The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) a rate of 473 per 100000 employees.
# 233000 reportable injuries occurred according to the labour force survey, a rate of 840 per 100000 workers.
# 28.5 million days were lost overall (1.2 day per worker), out of which 23.4 million due to work related ill heath and 5.1 million due to workplace injuries.

# 1033 offences were prosecuted by HSE and ORR, 287 offences were prosecuted by local authorities and 15881 enforcement notices were issued by all enforcing authorities.

Although this list seems to be very big, there is another side for these statistics. From the past years, there has been a significant decrease in the accident statistics since the health & safety rules and regulations are put in place. There has been a good progress in providing health & safety conditions for the employees.
# The work related ill health fell by 15% between 2001/02 and 2009/10.
# Over the ten-year period from 1999/00 to 2009/10, the rate of reported fatal and major injuries to employees fell by 13%.
# The rate of reported over-3-day injury fell by 33% over the ten year period.
# A significant 45% fall in the reportable non-fatal injuries as well.
# Average working days lost per worker as a result of work related ill health fell by 28% over the decade.

These statistics convey only one message to us. With the proper health and safety rules and regulations in place and properly followed by the industries, there is only a very little danger of causing injuries to the employees. So Health & Safety at workplace is most important.

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